Fine Tune Your Venue Marketing | Christie Osborne

In this weeks video, our host Jonathan Aymin sits down with Christie Osborne from Mountainside Media to discuss how to come up with your ideal client avatar, how to get people to interact with your brand outside of an inquiry, and how to make your marketing dollars go further.

About Our Guest:

Christie Osborne owns Mountainside Media, a marketing agency that specializes in ads, analytics, and market research. She’s a proud data nerd who uses marketing data and research to develop scalable strategies for busy event pros. Simply put, Christie has a passion for turning data into dollars. This is what gets her clients off the marketing hamster wheel and on the path to sustainable marketing success.

As a top event industry educator, Christie frequents the national speaker circuit and is a regular contributor to top industry publications, including NACE, WIPA, The Special Event, and Catersource. She is also a highly sought-after podcast guest.

Find Her Here:

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